NJ Researchers of Paranormal Evidence
APPARITION - a spectral image of a person that materializes even though a physical body is not present.
ANOMOLY - An irregular or unusual event which does not fit a standard rule or law.
CHANNELING - In this modern day method of spirit communication, a spirit will pass
information directly to a medium who will then relay the information on to the listener.
CLAIRVOYANCE - An acute insight or perceptiveness that enables you to see objects or events that
cannot be perceived by the senses in the form of mental imagery and intuition.
COLD SPOT - An unexplained drop in temperature which occurs at the time of paranormal activity.
DEBUNKED - evidence that has been scientifically explained or proven to be a natural normal occurrence.
DEJAVU - a belief that one is experiencing something that they recall happening before.
DEMON- an evil supernatural being which present as tormenting or devious in nature.
DIGITAL VOICE RECORDER - small digital recorders which are used to document paranormal activity.
DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER - a video recorder which is used to capture paranormal activity.
DISEMBODIED VOICE - A spirit voice which can be heard without the use of digital equipment.
ECTOPLASM - any physical substance created by, or accompanying a spirit's materialization
or a white film like presence on a photograph.
ELECTRONIC VOICE PHENOMENON - a voice or sound that was not heard as spoken but is audible
upon playback of a recording device. Believed to possibly be spirit voices or sounds.
ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD - measured electrical charges produced by anything that uses electricity.
It is believed that spirits generate and manipulate magnetic fields. Measured by EMF meters.
EMF METER - A small handheld device used to measure and gauge EMF in MiliGauss.
ENTITY - name given to a being which may be a ghost, spirit or demon.
EXORCISM- a ritual which is believed to remove or drive an evil entity from a body or place it occupies.
Can also be referred to as cleansing.
GHOST - A spirit of a human or animal which may have been alive at one time.
HAUNTING - a repetitive situation when ghosts, spirits, demons or poltergeists present themselves to
a person or in a place.
INTELLIGENT HAUNT - An entity which is aware of others and is willing to interact.
MATERIALIZATION - A brief physical appearance of an entity seen as it is happening.
MATRIXING - the tendency for the human mind to add human characteristics or recognizable patterns
to sensory data.
MEDIUM - a person with the ability to communicate with the dead. Also referred to as a sensitive or psychic.
They come in varying degrees of sensitivity.
MIST - a photographed anomaly that appears as a fog. Believed to possibly be a partial manifestation of
an entity.
ORB - natural collections of Electromagnetic Energy floating through the air. Usually associated with dust
and bugs.
OUIJA BOARD - developed in 19th century by William Carpenter. Game believed to measure involuntary
muscle movements as paranormal.
PARANORMAL - phenomena currently considered unexplained and out of the ordinary by mainstream
POLTERGEIST - non human entities that produce destruction phenomenon.
RESIDUAL HAUNT - a haunt in which the entity may not be aware of its surroundings and is believed to be
repeated over and over.
SHADOW PEOPLE - a type of apparition which presents as a black humanoid silhouette with
out detail.
SMUDGING - a Native American ritual which uses sage to clear negative energy for healing
and cleansing.
SPIRIT - an entity that once existed on the earthly plane and has passed on.
SPIRITUALISM - the belief that the dead are able to communicate with the living through a medium.
VORTEX - a gateway that allows spirits in and out from the other side.